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Tory Burch, American fashion designer, businesswoman, philanthropist, Women Entrepreneur, Tory Burch Biography,
Women Entrepreneur

Tory Burch: Pioneering Fashion Designer and Philanthropist


Tory Burch (born June 17, 1966) is an influential American fashion designer, businesswoman, and philanthropist. Known for her preppy-boho style and iconic Reva ballet flats, Burch has made a significant impact in the fashion industry and beyond.

Tory Burch

Early Life and Education:

Tory Burch, née Robinson, was born and raised in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Reva and Ira Earl “Bud” Robinson, and she grew up in a close-knit family. Burch attended the Agnes Irwin School in Rosemont, Pennsylvania, and later graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in art history.

Career Beginnings:

After college, Burch moved to New York City, where she worked in the fashion industry for designers such as Ralph Lauren and Vera Wang. These early experiences honed her understanding of fashion and business, laying the groundwork for her future brand.

Launch of Tory Burch Brand:

In 2004, Burch launched her namesake fashion line from her Manhattan apartment. Her first boutique, located in Nolita, New York City, was an immediate success, thanks to her unique designs that combined luxury with affordability. The brand quickly gained popularity, particularly for its distinctive tunics and versatile ballet flats adorned with the iconic double-T logo.

Expansion and Recognition:

Over the years, the Tory Burch brand has grown into a global fashion empire, encompassing a wide range of products, including ready-to-wear, shoes, handbags, accessories, and fragrances. Burch’s designs are known for their vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and timeless appeal.

Her contributions to fashion have been widely recognized. In 2008, Burch received the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) award for Accessory Designer of the Year. Her brand’s success has also earned her a spot on Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful women.


Beyond her fashion empire, Burch is deeply committed to philanthropy. In 2009, she established the Tory Burch Foundation, which supports the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in the United States through affordable loans, mentoring, and entrepreneurial education programs. The foundation’s initiatives have helped thousands of women build and sustain successful businesses.

Personal Life:

Burch’s personal life has seen her navigate the challenges of business and family. She has three sons from her marriage to William Macklowe and was later married to and divorced from Pierre-Yves Roussel, the former Chairman and CEO of LVMH Fashion Group, who joined her company as CEO in 2019.


Tory Burch continues to inspire through her innovative designs and commitment to empowering women. Her blend of business acumen and creative vision has solidified her position as a leading figure in contemporary fashion and a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs globally.


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