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Sachin Bansal, CEO of Navi, Entrepreneur, Sachin Bansal Biography,
Entrepreneur Founder Stories

Sachin Bansal: Visionary Entrepreneur and Tech Investor

Sachin Bansal, born on August 5, 1981, in Chandigarh, India, grew up in a supportive family with a businessman father and a homemaker mother. He attended St. Anne’s Convent School in Chandigarh before pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, graduating in 2005.

Sachin Bansal

Family Life

Sachin Bansal is married to Priya Bansal Singh, a dentist. The couple has one son together.

Career Highlights

Sachin Bansal’s career took a monumental turn when he co-founded Flipkart in 2007 alongside Binny Bansal. Initially an online bookstore, Flipkart rapidly expanded its product categories and emerged as one of India’s leading e-commerce platforms. Sachin served as the Chief Executive Officer from its inception until 2016, during which he oversaw key aspects of the business including website development, sourcing, and delivery. From 2016 to 2018, he transitioned to the role of Executive Chairman.

Following the sale of Flipkart to Walmart in 2018, Sachin Bansal embarked on new ventures by founding BACQ Acquisitions Private Limited, aimed at building and acquiring technology-driven businesses. He made 18 investments in early-stage startups, including a notable $100 million investment in Ola Cabs, securing a 0.37% stake. His investment portfolio includes Ola, Grey Orange, Ather Energy, SigTuple, Inshorts, Unacademy, and Terminus.

In December 2019, Sachin acquired the Bengaluru-based technology consulting firm Maven Hive. He further expanded his business interests by acquiring the general insurance brand COCO through Navi Technologies in 2020. In April 2020, he was appointed Managing Director of Navi Technologies, a financial services company. Under his leadership, Navi Technologies raised 209 crore from Gaja Capital and filed a draft for an INR 3350 crore IPO on March 12, 2022.


  • Flipkart
  • BACQ Acquisitions Private Limited
  • Maven Hive
  • Navi Technologies

Major Achievements

  • Co-founded Flipkart, one of India’s largest e-commerce platforms.
  • Served as CEO and Chairman of Flipkart during his 11-year tenure.
  • Led Flipkart’s growth and expansion into various product categories.
  • Made significant investments in technology-driven businesses through BACQ Acquisitions Private Limited.
  • Acquired Maven Hive and COCO through Navi Technologies.
  • Currently serves as the Managing Director of Navi Technologies.

Awards & Recognitions

  • Entrepreneur of the Year by The Economic Times.
  • Ranked 86th richest person in India by Forbes India in 2015.
  • Included in Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world list in 2016.
  • Featured in India Today’s 50 most powerful people in India list in 2017.

Personal Life & Legacy

Sachin Bansal’s personal life is marked by his marriage to Priya Bansal Singh and their son. He is celebrated for his entrepreneurial spirit and significant contributions to the Indian e-commerce industry. Sachin Bansal’s legacy is rooted in his role as a co-founder of Flipkart and his ongoing involvement in the technology and business sectors, continually driving innovation and investment in promising ventures.


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